The housing industry is seeing a huge dip in numbers of people enrolling in skills-training programs. The "skills gap" is the unbalanced demand and supply of trained and qualified labor. The Dryerbox and DryerWallVent have partnered with Fine Homebuilding to assist in providing the necessary means to get more students into their housing industry careers through the #keepcraftalive initiative.
From the #keepcraftalive website:
That’s why the team here at Fine Homebuilding has launched the Keep Craft Alive campaign to help close the skills gap. We’re leveraging all of our resources to bring awareness to the cause. Starting this year, we’ll be partnering with industry organizations and influencers to build awareness of the skills training and educational opportunities that exist in this country, and we’ll be funding student scholarships to support those who want to pursue a path in the trades. Also — and this is perhaps our most challenging and important task — we’ll continue to celebrate the value of true craftsmanship in all trades in order to influence the cultural narrative about what it means to be a respected, successful professional. Show your support for those who have pursued their passion into a career in design, building, and remodeling by using the #KeepCraftAlive hashtag.
#keepcraftalive https://www.keepcraftalive.org/about/